For those whom havent really gotten to play this game much... Or looking to play it.
-Endless combination of stats mixed gears (shield, weapon, armor, and rune) this allows for endless quest for even better gears.
-Armor and weapons visual can be changed as long as you have another piece of equipment with the visual you like on them.
-50 waves that can be played on easy, normal at first, then on new game thats like a harder version of the game, plus... Endless mode.
-Bring other heroes youve made into battle... 9 of them(and only take up 1 population each)
-Combinable skill branches limited to the races... human, elf, and dwarf race... (Not like the first one where if youre a ranger you cant use assassin skills, now you can, as long as the skills are in your races speciality. This is nice so you have more options and ways to build your playing style)
-Your conquered lands are constantly under attack, so you can defend or defend and siege, thus can keep on earning crystals. Or you can choose to give up the land to conquest (but youll lose the benefit the land gives) and play siege/skirmish(no command post/castle that youll need to defend).
-Several types of weapons you choose from, maces, swords, axes, bows, staffs, guns, crossbows, etc.
-Cant add stat points, only gears give them. (Leveling only gives extra stats points and milestone level is at 20 since you can unlock a class exclusive unit to summon into battle.)
-After beating the main campaign, and going to script to repeat any level, you wont earn any crystals, but still exp.
-Cant upgrade gears.
-Cant have more than 50 population(units doesnt necessary mean that you can have 50 units on the battle fields since some units takes more than 1 population to be summon, I.e. Mages takes 5 population.)
-Armor are race specifics so you cant use human armor for elves, vice-versa, etc.
-Can summon troops, but cant control them.
-Skills has to activated at a skill menu, you cant quick cast them like the first game.
There are more to the list of pros and cons, but its a start.
Just a few recommendation though for the game creators:
-Though it would be nice to have some ability to change stats and make the sell back of items a bit more for some of the items grade or something like that.
-The maps in each place be a little bigger perhaps and with higher troops capacity. Its nice to know the moment you start a battle, you have a bit of time before enemies are already at your castle walls.
-Not to mention ability to control them like tell them to defend, send at units to attack range units, charge into battle... Or send to patrol certain areas... In general controlling how they act... Its annoying when I see my priest and mages just charge into the front lines when theyre obviously not protected... Suicide. They need to stay back so I can send more troops that just died in the time it took them to catch up to the rest of the units.
-Be nice to have option to control how they act, like if an assassin will attack high hp, magic, enemies first... So give the option of choosing which one we can have to prioritize with the other types of units by default or something.
-Allowing us to go up the castle walls so Rangers and mages can choose to stay out of combat until walls crumble. Could always disable this in multiplayer mode. Have other units unable to go up the walls or walk back down if not range troop by default. Walls can fall and range units can hit wall units anyways so it wouldnt be to unbalanced of a gameplay.
Shining Ra Lord about Heroes and Castles 2 Premium, v1.3.5